Book Summary
“Farmer Giles of Ham” is a whimsical tale by J.R.R. Tolkien that follows the adventures of a simple farmer named Giles, who becomes an unlikely hero. Set in medieval England, the story begins when a giant named Chrysophylax threatens the villagers. Armed with a sword left by a forgotten ancestor and a fierce determination, Giles devises a plan to confront the beast and protect his home.
Giles’ cleverness and bravery lead him to not only scare the dragon away but also earn him the title of a hero. Unexpectedly, he becomes a knight, acquiring wealth and respect. However, he remains grounded, valuing his life as a farmer. The narrative blends humor, moral lessons, and folklore, highlighting themes of courage, friendship, and the importance of wisdom over brute strength. Ultimately, Tolkien’s charming story showcases how an ordinary person can rise to greatness through wit and resilience.
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