

Book Summary

“Heir” is a powerful continuation of Sabaa Tahir’s “An Ember in the Ashes” series. Set in a world inspired by the Roman Empire, the story follows Laia, a resilient scholar, and Elias, a former soldier torn between duty and freedom. In “Heir,” the characters navigate the complexities of their intertwined destinies amidst ongoing political turmoil.

The narrative unfolds with Laia’s struggle to reclaim her family’s legacy and ensure their safety, while Elias grapples with his new role as a leader. The rise of a vengeful force threatens the fragile peace they seek to establish. As alliances shift and loyalties are tested, the protagonists face harrowing choices that will determine the fate of their world.

Themes of love, sacrifice, and the fight against oppression resonate throughout, making “Heir” a captivating tale of resilience and hope in the face of overwhelming adversity.

Language: English
Paperback: 484 pages
ISBN-10: 9780349125589
ISBN-13: 9780349125589
Genre: New Arrivals
Condition: New
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Book Summary

“Heir” is a powerful continuation of Sabaa Tahir’s “An Ember in the Ashes” series. Set in a world inspired by the Roman Empire, the story follows Laia, a resilient scholar, and Elias, a former soldier torn between duty and freedom. In “Heir,” the characters navigate the complexities of their intertwined destinies amidst ongoing political turmoil.

The narrative unfolds with Laia’s struggle to reclaim her family’s legacy and ensure their safety, while Elias grapples with his new role as a leader. The rise of a vengeful force threatens the fragile peace they seek to establish. As alliances shift and loyalties are tested, the protagonists face harrowing choices that will determine the fate of their world.

Themes of love, sacrifice, and the fight against oppression resonate throughout, making “Heir” a captivating tale of resilience and hope in the face of overwhelming adversity.

Language: English
Paperback: 484 pages
ISBN-10: 9780349125589
ISBN-13: 9780349125589
Genre: New Arrivals
Condition: New
More detail about this book and author can check this link also Discover the Best English Books Online in our store through this link


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