

Book Summary

“Rouge” by Mona Awad is a darkly enchanting novel that explores themes of beauty, identity, and obsession. The story follows the protagonist, a young woman named “M” who becomes entwined in the glamorous yet unsettling world of a high-profile fashion industry. As she navigates the seductive allure of fame and the relentless pursuit of beauty, M grapples with her self-image and the expectations placed upon her. Her experiences expose the superficiality of societal standards and the lengths to which people go to attain perfection. Awad masterfully blends elements of magical realism and psychological depth, creating a haunting narrative that challenges conventional notions of attractiveness and self-worth. Ultimately, “Rouge” serves as a poignant commentary on the destructive nature of societal pressures, urging readers to question the true cost of beauty in a world obsessed with appearances.

Language: English
Paperback: 384 pages
ISBN-10: 9781398504967
ISBN-13: 9781398504967
Genre: New Arrivals
Condition: New
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Book Summary

“Rouge” by Mona Awad is a darkly enchanting novel that explores themes of beauty, identity, and obsession. The story follows the protagonist, a young woman named “M” who becomes entwined in the glamorous yet unsettling world of a high-profile fashion industry. As she navigates the seductive allure of fame and the relentless pursuit of beauty, M grapples with her self-image and the expectations placed upon her. Her experiences expose the superficiality of societal standards and the lengths to which people go to attain perfection. Awad masterfully blends elements of magical realism and psychological depth, creating a haunting narrative that challenges conventional notions of attractiveness and self-worth. Ultimately, “Rouge” serves as a poignant commentary on the destructive nature of societal pressures, urging readers to question the true cost of beauty in a world obsessed with appearances.

Language: English
Paperback: 384 pages
ISBN-10: 9781398504967
ISBN-13: 9781398504967
Genre: New Arrivals
Condition: New
More detail about this book and author can check this link also Discover the Best English Books Online in our store through this link


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