The Bolds Go Wild


Book Summary

“The Bolds Go Wild” by Julian Clary follows the delightful adventures of the Bold family, a lively bunch of hyenas who live in a lovely house in the English countryside. In this sequel, the Bolds yearn for excitement beyond their typical suburban life. The story unfolds as they embark on a thrilling expedition to the nearby jungle, determined to find adventure and meet new friends. Along the way, they encounter various colorful characters, face unexpected challenges, and learn valuable lessons about courage, friendship, and the importance of family. With Clary’s signature humor and whimsical storytelling, the book captivates readers, blending fun with messages about embracing one’s identity and the joys of exploration. The lively illustrations by David Roberts enhance the narrative, making it a charming read for children and adults alike, celebrating the spirit of adventure and the joy of the extraordinary in everyday life.

Language: English
Paperback: 304 pages
ISBN-10: 9781783448418
ISBN-13: 9781783448418
Genre: New Arrivals
Condition: New
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Book Summary

“The Bolds Go Wild” by Julian Clary follows the delightful adventures of the Bold family, a lively bunch of hyenas who live in a lovely house in the English countryside. In this sequel, the Bolds yearn for excitement beyond their typical suburban life. The story unfolds as they embark on a thrilling expedition to the nearby jungle, determined to find adventure and meet new friends. Along the way, they encounter various colorful characters, face unexpected challenges, and learn valuable lessons about courage, friendship, and the importance of family. With Clary’s signature humor and whimsical storytelling, the book captivates readers, blending fun with messages about embracing one’s identity and the joys of exploration. The lively illustrations by David Roberts enhance the narrative, making it a charming read for children and adults alike, celebrating the spirit of adventure and the joy of the extraordinary in everyday life.

Language: English
Paperback: 304 pages
ISBN-10: 9781783448418
ISBN-13: 9781783448418
Genre: New Arrivals
Condition: New
More detail about this book and author can check this link also Discover the Best English Books Online in our store through this link


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