The Ferryman


Book Summary

“The Ferryman” by Justin Cronin is a gripping tale set in the dystopian world of Prospera, an isolated community that thrives on the promise of a perfect life. The story follows the life of Caius, a Ferryman who guides souls between realms, serving as a protector and caretaker within the seemingly idyllic society. As he navigates the intricacies of life in Prospera, Caius grapples with his memories and the unsettling truths about the nature of existence there. When a sudden crisis unfolds, the carefully constructed world begins to unravel, revealing secrets that challenge everything the residents believe. Cronin intricately weaves themes of mortality, love, and the quest for truth, creating a thought-provoking narrative that examines the lengths individuals will go to preserve happiness in the face of existential dread. The novel is both a thrilling adventure and a poignant exploration of the human condition.

Language: English
Paperback: 538 pages
ISBN-10: 9781409182092
ISBN-13: 9781409182092
Genre: New Arrivals
Condition: New
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Book Summary

“The Ferryman” by Justin Cronin is a gripping tale set in the dystopian world of Prospera, an isolated community that thrives on the promise of a perfect life. The story follows the life of Caius, a Ferryman who guides souls between realms, serving as a protector and caretaker within the seemingly idyllic society. As he navigates the intricacies of life in Prospera, Caius grapples with his memories and the unsettling truths about the nature of existence there. When a sudden crisis unfolds, the carefully constructed world begins to unravel, revealing secrets that challenge everything the residents believe. Cronin intricately weaves themes of mortality, love, and the quest for truth, creating a thought-provoking narrative that examines the lengths individuals will go to preserve happiness in the face of existential dread. The novel is both a thrilling adventure and a poignant exploration of the human condition.

Language: English
Paperback: 538 pages
ISBN-10: 9781409182092
ISBN-13: 9781409182092
Genre: New Arrivals
Condition: New
More detail about this book and author can check this link also Discover the Best English Books Online in our store through this link


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